Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Future Nolan Ryan?!?!?

Nolan got a t-ball set for his 1st birthday and has been too young to show interest until recently. Since we took him to the Knight's baseball game, he throws things in the air and pretends to hit it and yells "I hit it mommy!" He will also run in a circle like he is running the bases and slide like Homer the mascot did! So tonight we got out his t-ball set and gave him a few backyard lessons. Not to bragg but he did remarkably well. And we are still wondering... lefty or righty???? He is swinging with both!

Getting lessons from daddy...
Getting ready...

Keeping his eye on the ball...(check out that form)

He swings... And it's outta here!!!!!!

Carson says this is NOT a spectator sport... He wants to run with the big boys!