Thursday, August 21, 2008

A day with the big boys...

Tuesday at the beach we took Nolan to a place called Ride Makerz. It is a really cool place where they make a car (similar to Build-a-Bear). Nolan is really into cars right now so we thought this would be a fun thing for him to do. I think Dada enjoyed it as much as Nolan did. I highly recommend it if you are at the beach.

Picking out his car...

Putting the car together with dada...

Mommy helping with the wheels (that was the easy part)...

Showing off our finished product...

Playing with his new car...
After Ride Makerz we went to eat lunch at a diner at Broadway. After dinner the boys had to take a break to dance to the music!
On our way to the car we stopped to let the boys take a ride on the train. The perfect ending to a great day. Nolan really had a blast with his one on one time with mommy and dada!


Anonymous said...

That is so cool! I've never heard of anything like that. I bet he enjoyed himself. :)