Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Party...

A few week ago (Yes, I am that far behind), I had a few of Nolan's friends over to paint pumpkins and decorate cupcakes. It was so much fun. We started the day with painting halloween masks. Each kid got to pick a mask and paint it. It was a lot of fun for the kids but a huge clean-up for the parents :) Then we decorated cupcakes with icing, candy pieces, and sprinkles. Of course they loved this part... the eating part! Then each kid brought a pumpkin and they all decorated them with stickers. It was a great time for the kids.
Jordan painting her ghost mask...
Nolan and Konner showing off their final product... (notice my kid is the dirtiest!)

Nolan, Tre, and Jordan enjoying their cupcakes...
B decorating his pumpkin
What a scary group...
The whole gang...
Happy Halloween!


Anonymous said...

What cute ghosts! Great idea!