Tuesday, February 24, 2009

10 months old... a little late!

So the truth be told... that rumor that I swore I would never be a part of about the second child not having any pictures... I fell into the trap! I have been horrible about getting pictures of poor Carson. Him being such a temperamental child does not help but I have been very slack! Carson turned 10 months old this past month. He is getting so big and changes daily!

He is becoming such a good baby! He is enjoying being able to get around on his own and now if he could just get rid of bubby he would be getting around even better! Nolan is his biggest fan and worst of enemies! Nolan loves to have Carson around but is so jealous of him. I love to watch them together. You can see how much Carson idealizes Nolan. He will just stare at him and laugh at all he does. The best thing in the world is to hear them laugh at each other.

Carson is starting to walk behind his push toy and is getting pretty good at it! When Nolan started this he was walking shortly after. Mike and I are actually very sad that he is doing this already. It seems like this year has flown by and my little guy will be 1 next month.

He LOVES to eat and will eat anything that gets near his mouth! He has 7 teeth. He sleeps all the time which is a nice change in comparison to his brother! He is very opinionated and loves to have all eyes on him. He is not talking very much but makes lots of loud crazy noises sounding more like a monkey than anything! He is busy, busy, busy! If he wonders off you better go find him because he is definitely into something! He is such a terrific part to our family! We love him so much! I have always said that I love this age better than any... he is proving me right!

Our little cupid...


JDB said...

cute pics of my nephews!!
oh and nice hair Carson! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Carson, he's my Buddy, guess what his next words going to be? "PoPo"