Monday, June 2, 2008

Happy 2nd birthday Nolan

I can hardly belive it... Nolan is 2! My baby is growing up. We celebrated his 2nd birthday at Grandma and Pawpaw's house with an Elmo pool party. Lots of Nolan's friends and family came to celebrate. It seems just like yesterday I was holding Nolan as a newborn and now he is a little boy. It makes me sad to think he is growing up but we are enjoying every minute of it. He is so much fun and everyday is a new adventure.

I wrote Nolan a letter on his 1st birthday to put in his treasure box to read later in life. I went to read it today and write him one for this year and I had to shed a tear. Here is a line from it that holds so very true...

I look forward with excitement to what the next year has in store. I get excited to know I get to witness you become your own person. I feel so privleged to witness your life! Your adventure is just begining and I am so pleased to be along for the ride!

My birthday boy
Happy birthday to you...
Want a kiss???
You think he likes cake????

I will be posting pics of the kids later... They had a blast in the pool and slip-in-slide. The pictures are hilarious! Keep checking back....