Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fun times...

The last two days the weather was great so Thursday and Friday we soaked up the sun on the beach. So here comes picture overload of our last days of vacation. We had a blast and can't wait to go back next year!

Because Carson was so cranky and Nolan not a big fan of the beach anyways, it was IMPOSSIBLE to get a good family picture. So, I guess this is how it goes with two kids...

Nolan's eyes closed, Carson's opened...
Carson's eyes closed, Nolan's opened...

Carson screaming...
Nolan and Bryce all week were fighting over who I was. Nolan would say "my mommy" and Bryce the funny little guy he is would say " No, she's my family" They were so cute. Any way, a funny story... on the beach, I asked Aunt Sarah to take a family picture. Bryce heard me ask her and jumped right in. When someone told him to get out of the picture, he said, "They are my family!"

Me and my baby boy... These times go so fast!

Sweet baby Carson ...My lil' man...

Watching the ladies... My adorable Godson...

And finally a few smiles from the boys...

Just dreaming...

A family pic on the last night... (at least everyone has their eyes opened)

The Pinti gang. It was a great vacation and I look foraward to many more. Thanks again Mamaw and Papaw for giving us the opportunity to make so many memories with my little boys!


JDB said...'re MY family!