Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Wow how time flies...

when you are having fun. It is that time for a monthly update on my two boys. Feels like I just did this but then again, it seems like Carson was just born!

Carson is 4 months old! He is getting so big, so strong, and is so sweet. His smile melts my heart. I know now how it is possible to love another child as much as your first. I had no idea where I would find enough love for another child but I did. Like Nolan he smiles with his eyes and that I am a sucker for! He is starting to play with his toys, is rolling over both sides, and has 2 teeth coming in. He is 16lb 5oz and 25 1/2 in. He is a CHUNK! I love all his rolls and I mean ALL of them! His nickname has become Monkey because when he talks he sounds like a monkey (not to mention his big ears!)

Nolan is 26 months old. He is hilarious. He is sweet, mean, rough, tough, loving all tied into one! He is a good big brother all though Carson would probably beg to differ. He wants Carson to play with him so badly. He is all into baseball now. He hits everything with a bat of some sort. If he is eating his food usually turns into a ball and his hands the bat. Dinner time is quite interesting. He has mastered his colors and we are working on numbers. He goes to 5 pretty well. He is quite the character. Mike took him to CVS and he called the pharamsist a "hot momma". He puts on our sunglasses and looks over to us and says "What's up dude!" He lifted my dress before church Sunday and smacked my butt and said "Donkey Butt" (Thanks Aunt Jenn) There is never a dull moment around our house. He is swimming pretty well. He will jump in the pool and swim underwater half the length of the pool to us! I am so proud of the little boy he is becoming!

Keep checking back... Next month should be interesting. Nolan is starting school and soccer.