Friday, August 29, 2008

Just give me a bottle already!

As you may know, we have had problems with Carson and pooping since he was about 1 month old. He NEVER poops! Not to complain about missing out on poopy diapers but the poor baby would go almost 2 weeks without pooping. When I took him for his check-up at 4 months, the Dr. was concerned and said to absolutly not give him cereal yet that it would just complicate things. However, since Carson developed teeth, I quit breastfeeding. Now that he is on formula he poops about 4-5 times a week. YEAH!!!! So off to eating we go!
Since Carson loves to eat and is pretty punctual when it comes to his bottle (never missing one), I thought he would be so excited to try something else edible... WRONG! I'm not sure if he liked it or not... What do you think?!?!?
1st time in the highchair... CROCODILE TEARS!
1st bite or 1st time spitting.... What is this junk????

Just give me my bottle already???

Even my thumb taste better than that junk!!!!

So we gave up on the eating and gave him a bottle. After he finished his bottle he was in a better mood, had a full belly, and was ready to conquer the eating thing...

1st bite... 2nd go aroundI can handle this....Want a kiss???Come on... you know you want one!!!I'm a big boy now!!!And just like a man, he got his belly full and slept all night long!!! YEAH!!!!!!


JDB said...

Way to go Carson!

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious!