Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Trick or Treat! Part 1

I hope everyone had a fun halloween! We had a very busy one but a really fun one! We started the day by trick or treating to both grandparent's houses. Since our night would be so busy, we really wanted the boys to show off to their grandparents! We started at Grandma and Papaw Pinti's house. Nolan acted like a pro! He marched right up to the door and knocked hard saying "kncok, knock!". When Grandma opened the door she said "Trick or Treat" without a hesitation Nolan stuck his foot up and said "Smell my feet" He really is a hoot! Grandma had a really cool present with books, a coloring book and even a little money for the boys! Nolan was very thankful but searched beyond that for the candy! In the bottom of the bag was a pack of M&M's... then he was satisifed! He opened it right up and began eating! He now thought this was the coolest holiday ever!

We then left there and headed to Nana and Pawpaw's house. They were very surprised to see the boys and also had lots of treats for the boys. Even Carson got a lollipop (thanks to nana and pawpaw)! Nolan was so excited to show off his fireman costume to pawpaw... they are real buddies!

After dinner we took our boys around to a few more houses in our neighborhood! A few of the houses just left candy on the doorstep so they could also go trick or treating. I would tell Nolan to only get one piece. The 1st house we went to he picked 1 piece and turned around 5 more times looking at me saying"1 more mommy" I had to laugh!
My sweet little guys...

Off to trick or treat!Helping himself to "just 1 more piece!"After trick or treat we had a neighborhood halloween party. Stay tuned for pictures from that! Sorry about the halloween overload... The boys were too cute to resist taking all these pics!