Sunday, July 27, 2008

Fun, Fun, Fun

Mike was out of town this weekend so me and the boys headed up to my Aunt Susan's house for the day Saturday. We met my family at a park in Salisbury, NC called Dan Nicholson Park. It was so much fun. It is the neatest park I have ever been to. It is kind of like a minature amusement park. The have huge picnic grounds, huge playgrounds for all ages, a train, carousel, petting zoo, wildlife area, aquarium, and a fun water area for the kids. Nolan had a blast and Carson did remarkably well. It was a long day and without a nap, I have to pat Nolan on the back... he was a trooper.

We started at the playground... Nolan enjoyed the slide (over and over and over!)
Nolan and his cousin... She is such a little mother to him. It is really cute to see them play together.

Nolan and the cousins playing house...
After the playground, we had a picnic then headed to the train. Nolan loves trains so he really enjoyed this part of the day! He was a little cautious at first but then enjoyed the ride.
We then went to the zoo part of the park. Nolan loved walking around looking at the animals. They had birds, deer, woodchuck, fox, roosters, ducks, turtles, and bears. Nolan loved the rooster. If you have not heard his rooster sound, it is very funny. Here he was talking with rooster...
We then headed to the water area to cool off. Nolan was so funny. The ground had little holes that would occasionaly shoot water from the ground. Nolan thought if he got really close to the hole and screamed that made the water come out. So my child was the only kid on the ground screaming at the holes. And when the water would come out, he would jump back and crack up laughing. Everyone else was laughing also!

Even Carson had a good time. He was spoiled by everyone there... what else could you ask for?!?

And to end the day, the kids all enjoyed a cold slushie!

Thanks Aunt Susan and Uncle Billy for having us your way. It was a great day!!!!