Friday, January 23, 2009

I'm a big boy now...

well almost. This month was hard on poor Nolan. I have noticed that Nolan is developing a huge overbite. I can fit my whole thumb between his upper and lower teeth. So, I decided it was time to take the binky away. We decided to do it cold turkey one weekend. It was awful! I took away his security. He cried for many, many hours 3 nights in a row. Then, on the 4th night, he went to bed and did not even ask for it! YAYYY! This was probably one of the hardest things I have had to do so far as a parent! His sleeping is all off now. It takes him longer to go to sleep and of he wakes up he can't get himself back to sleep as qucikly without it. Just what I needed, more sleep porblems for Nolan.

We also decided to put Nolan in his big boy bed. He was so excited. His transition into the big boy bed was alot easier. He loves his big boy bed and takes everyone to see it when they come to visit.

Now all we have left is potty training... and at the rate we are going he may be 10!!!!

Nolan's big boy bed...

I'm a big boy now...


Anonymous said...

Woohoo! I love the bedding, it's so cute.