Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A family of four!!!

Well, as you may know, Baby Carson made his appearence 3 weeks early. He was born April 3, 2008. He weighed 6lbs 14 oz and was 19 1/2 in. To say a baby has their own agenda is an understatement. Mike was in Washington DC on business when my water broke. He asked before he left if he should go and I told him to go ahead... I was sure the baby would not be early... famous last words! Mike even left me a note on the bed saying he loved me and not to have the baby while he was gone. Mike made it back with about an hour to spare. Baby Carson was waiting on his dad. He made his arrival at 1:26pm.... Our life has not been the same since.

Carson Ray...

Me and my baby boy...

Dada and his lil' man...

My two boys...
First family picture...