Thursday, September 18, 2008

And Nolan...

Nolan turned 27 months old this month. Boy oh boy what a month. As you know we put him in preschool this month. I was hoping it would help the seperation anxiety he has been going through lately but it did not... in fact it has gotten worst. I am getting pretty good at doing things while holding a two year old... and bathroom breaks are never private anymore! If you have any suggestions... please pass them on! He is so attached.I am his mommy... NOT Carson's. I hate to say that as bad as it is, I love that I am his comfort zone! He has a HUGE temper. When he gets mad, you can see the horns grow from his forehead! He is funny and is completely a little Mike! I love him to pieces and know that I better not complain about him wanting his mommy all the time now because one day, I will be an embarrasment to him! Here is a picture of my little Nolan bug!