Monday, September 8, 2008

First day of school!!!!

Last Wednesday was Nolan's 1st day of preschool. I signed him up this summer for a 2 day a week program at a local church. He goes Monday and Wednesday for 3 hours. So, as usual, we talked it up so big... We told him about the playground and all his friends he will meet and of course his cool teacher Mrs. Amy. So Wednesday morning we get dressed and off we go... Nolan was super excited. He did really well until I kissed him and said bye. He immediatley jumped up and pointed to the ground beside him and said "Sit mommy, PLEASE!". So, I sat! The teacher noticed he was having a hard time letting go so she started blowing bubbles to distract him and I did the sneak attack! After a couple seconds he realized I was gone and started wailing!!!! Wanting to cry with him, I walked off and left my baby boy with a stranger, crying! BAD MOMMY! Poor kid is going to have major seperation issues!

When I went to pick him up, he was playing with the other kids. Once he saw me, he jumped up and came running. He was so excited I came back to get him and would not let me put him down! The teacher said he cried most of the morning but then calmed down and enjoyed class!

Off to school....Nolan's preschool...

Nolan and his teacher Mrs. Amy...

Funny story about boys vs. girls. When we got there, the girls in his class were sittin at the table playing with tea party toys. Nolan walks to the table and grabs a pink spoon and an orange slice and starts to play baseball with them. To Nolan anything can be a bat and a ball!

Nolan's 1st piece of school art...

So all weekend we talked with Nolan and played the school thing up really big AGAIN! I asked him if he wanted to go to school on Monday and his answer, very quickly, was always NO!!!! So this morning I took Nolan back to school. As soon as we go in the class, Nolan pointed to the floor and said "sit mommy!". I gave him his bag and told him to go hang it up at his cubby and I did the sneak attack again! Not even 30 seconds later and I hear him wailing!!! I waited until I saw them line up and go outside (the whole time he was crying/screaming) and on the way outside I saw him and he was soooo sad. I knew I had to leave him, so here I am shedding a tear as I walked to my car.... Growing up and letting go is so hard!!!!! Wish me luck for Wednesday!!!!!