Thursday, September 18, 2008

Playing catch up...

Okay so I am a little... well ALOT... behind on postings but I am going to give it a try, and kid willing, I will catch up! Carson turned 5 months old this month. He is becoming such a better baby. If you know him and are around him for long, you know he is a little spoiled and cries ALOT! This month he has gotten so much better. He is laughing alot more and talking (babbling) more. He is so into Nolan now. If Nolan is in the room he wants to watch everything he is doing. He thinks Nolan is so funny and laughs at him constantly. Nolan loves the attention he gets from "bubby". He is sitting up pretty well and thinks he is big stuff when he does! He hates being spoon fed. In fact, he gags when we do it. We have to force feed him... it is pathetic. He is sleeping better. For the most part he either sleeps all night long or gets up once then goes back to bed. He is such a sweet boy. He loves to cuddle and gives a smile that melts your heart. I look forward to what the next month brings! Here is a pic of my sweet monkey!


Kelly said...

They are too cute! What kind of program do you use for your pictures? I like how you did their names, and the soft edges.

Anonymous said...

We refer to Memphis & Jamie as "bubby" too!