Thursday, October 9, 2008

Take me out to the ballgame...

Tuesday night I took the boys to my nephew's baseball game. He is 4 years old and is pretty darn good! It was so much fun to watch these little tykes. Because Nolan is huge into hitting and throwing balls right now, he was super excited to go watch. He talked about it all day. We took his t-ball set and let him play while we were there. He made a friend and they hit the ball together. It was really cute. Because my camera is broke I could not get a shot of Konner hitting but here are a few of the game...
Nolan and Konner, best buds...

Nolan hitting the ball... Look at how serious he is. He looks like he does this often HAHAHA (EVERYDAY, ALL DAY). He is so funny. When he hits the ball, he throws the bat and knocks over the tee then takes off running, slides on the ground and yells "Homerun!" We may have a baseball player on our hands!!!And even Carson enjoyed watching cousin Konner!